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Flanged Idlers with Teeth - S5M, S8M, S14M - Both Sides Bearing (Part Numbers)

Flanged Idlers with Teeth - S5M, S8M, S14M - Both Sides Bearing
  • Volume Discount

It can be used for timing belt tension adjustment and driven pulley.
· Pulley: Aluminum alloy, extra super duralumin aluminum alloy, S45C equivalent
· Flange: Aluminum alloy, S45C equivalent
· Bearing: Steel
[Surface treatment]
· Clear anodize, hard clear anodize (firm hardness 300HV~), electroless nickel plating, black oxide


  • Please note that the swaged flange options, NFC, RFC, and LFC, are not reflected in the CAD data.
Flanged Idlers with Teeth/Both Sides Bearing/S5M/S8M/S14M:Related Image
[ ! ]Bearings are press-fitted. * Bearing Accuracy: JIS B1514 Class 0

Type[ M ]Material[ S ] Surface Treatment
Main BodyFlangeBearing
AHTFWAluminum AlloyA7075-A5052SteelClear Anodize
KHTFWAluminum AlloyHard Clear Anodize*1
BHTFWS45C EquivalentS45C EquivalentBlack Oxide
MHTFWS45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating
*1 Hard Clear Anodize: Film Hardness 300HV ~

*2 BHTFW_ -S14M is replaced with
BHTFWNF_-S14M as of April 1st, 2014


Part Number-d
Type Teeth-Applicable Belt
BHTFWNF 28-S14M400-30
■S5M Type (Both Sides Bearing Type)
Part NumberShaft Diameter dP.D.O.D.FEAWDhBearing DimensionsCompliance with Standard
16S5M150625.46 24.50 3220172214.5606ZZx2176
S5M25025.46 24.50 3220273214.5606ZZx2176--
18S5M150828.65 27.69 3322172216.5698ZZx2196
S5M25028.65 27.69 3322273216.5698ZZx2196--
20S5M150831.83 30.87 3624172216.5698ZZx2196
S5M25031.83 30.87 3624273216.5698ZZx2196--
22S5M150835.01 34.05 4027172219.5608ZZx2227
S5M25035.01 34.05 4027273219.5608ZZx2227--
24S5M150838.20 37.24 4530172219.5608ZZx2227
S5M25038.20 37.24 4530273219.5608ZZx2227--
25S5M100639.79 38.83 4530111613696ZZx2155
S5M15039.79 38.83 4530172213696ZZx2155
S5M25039.79 38.83 4530273214.5606ZZx2176--
25S5M100839.79 38.83 4530111616.5698ZZx2196
S5M15039.79 38.83 4530172216.5698ZZx2196
S5M25039.79 38.83 4530273219.5608ZZx2227--
26S5M1501041.38 40.42 48351722256200ZZx2309
S5M25041.38 40.42 48352732256200ZZx2309--
28S5M1001044.56 43.60 4835111619.56900ZZx2226
S5M15044.56 43.60 4835172219.56900ZZx2226
S5M25044.56 43.60 48352732256200ZZx2309--
30S5M1501247.75 46.79 52361722256001ZZx2288
S5M25047.75 46.79 52362732276201ZZx23210--
32S5M1501250.93 49.97 55401722256001ZZx2288--
S5M25050.93 49.97 55402732276201ZZx23210--
36S5M1501557.30 56.34 61451722296002ZZx2329
S5M25057.30 56.34 61452732306202ZZx23511--
40S5M1501563.66 62.70 67501722296002ZZx2329--
S5M25063.66 62.70 67502732306202ZZx23511--
■S8M Type (Both Sides Bearing Type)
Part NumberShaft Diameter dP.D.O.D.FEAWDhBearing DimensionsCompliance with Standard
22S8M2501256.02 54.65 61 45 283327 6201ZZx232 10
S8M30056.02 54.65 61 45 333827 6201ZZx232 10 --
S8M40056.02 54.65 61 45 444927 6201ZZx232 10
24S8M2501261.12 59.74 67 50 283327 6201ZZx232 10
S8M30061.12 59.74 67 50 333827 6201ZZx232 10 --
S8M40061.12 59.74 67 50 444927 6201ZZx232 10
25S8M2501263.66 62.29 70 56 283327 6201ZZx232 10
S8M30063.66 62.29 70 56 333827 6201ZZx232 10 --
S8M40063.66 62.29 70 56 444927 6201ZZx232 10
26S8M1501266.21 64.84 74 58 172225 6001ZZx228 8
S8M25066.21 64.84 74 58 283325 6001ZZx228 8
S8M30066.21 64.84 74 58 333827 6201ZZx232 10 --
S8M40066.21 64.84 74 58 444927 6201ZZx232 10
28S8M2501571.30 69.93 80 60 283330 6202ZZx235 11
S8M30071.30 69.93 80 60 333830 6202ZZx235 11 --
S8M40071.30 69.93 80 60 444930 6202ZZx235 11
30S8M1501576.39 75.02 87 67 172229 6002ZZx232 9
S8M25076.39 75.02 87 67 283329 6002ZZx232 9
S8M30076.39 75.02 87 67 333830 6202ZZx235 11 --
S8M40076.39 75.02 87 67 444930 6202ZZx235 11
30S8M2502076.39 75.02 87 67 283337 6004ZZx242 12
S8M30076.39 75.02 87 67 333841 6204ZZx247 14 --
S8M40076.39 75.02 87 67 444941 6204ZZx247 14
32S8M2502081.49 80.12 87 67 283341 6204ZZx247 14
S8M30081.49 80.12 87 67 333841 6204ZZx247 14 --
S8M40081.49 80.12 87 67 444941 6204ZZx247 14
34S8M2502086.58 85.21 95 75 283341 6204ZZx247 14
S8M30086.58 85.21 95 75 333841 6204ZZx247 14 --
S8M40086.58 85.21 95 75 444941 6204ZZx247 14
40S8M25025101.86 100.49 111 90 283343 6005ZZx247 12 --
S8M300101.86 100.49 111 90 333847 6205ZZx252 15 --
S8M400101.86 100.49 111 90 444947 6205ZZx252 15 --
■S14M Type (Both Sides Bearing Type) [ ! ] On 2014 and later, S14M Type is to be delivered with flange included (but not swaged on).
Part NumberShaft Diameter dP.D.O.D.FEAWDhBearing Dimensions
TypeTeethApplicable BeltNo.DB


Flanged Idlers with Teeth/Both Sides Bearing/S5M/S8M/S14M:Related Image

Part Number 

CAD Data download and 3D preview are not available because the part number has not yet been determined.

  • *In order to open the CAD Data download and 3D preview screen, the part number must be fixed.
  • Please confirm the part number from "Specification / Dimension"on the left side, and then perform the CAD Data Download / 3D Preview operation.
Part Number
Part NumberStandard Unit PriceMinimum order quantityVolume DiscountDays to ShipRoHSBelt Type Belt Width Used
No. of Teeth
Material Surface Treatment Shaft Bore Dia. d

MYR 444.92

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M4028[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating15

MYR 384.30

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M1530[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating15

MYR 420.67

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M2530[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating15

MYR 420.67

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M2530[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 448.55

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M3030[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating15

MYR 448.55

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M3030[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 465.53

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M4030[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating15

MYR 482.50

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M4030[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 396.43

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M2532[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 483.71

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M3032[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 501.90

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M4032[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 413.40

1 Piece(s)Available 2 Day(s) 10S8M2534[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 520.08

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M3034[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20

MYR 523.71

1 Piece(s)Available 7 Day(s) 10S8M4034[Steel] S45C EquivalentElectroless Nickel Plating20



Basic Information

Type Idlers with Teeth Timing Pulley / Idler Idlers

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