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Research Equipment / Storage / Transporting Carts

Research equipment/storage/transportation products are used for preparing an environment conducive to research and experiments, as well as storing and transporting objects safely. Choose a tool best-suited to the object of your research, such as laminar flow cabinets, which enable research in a ...Readmore

Research equipment/storage/transportation products are used for preparing an environment conducive to research and experiments, as well as storing and transporting objects safely. Choose a tool best-suited to the object of your research, such as laminar flow cabinets, which enable research in a clean environment free of dust and microbes, laboratory tables and gloveboxes. Darkrooms, which are used for research and storage in a lightless environment, are available in various types, including a benchtop type and large type. While keeping the size compact so that they can be used anywhere, the workspace is made as wide as possible. Chairs are specially treated to prevent dust generation so that they do not interfere with research, and they are designed to minimize fatigue even after maintaining the same posture for hours. Chemical storage cabinets and desiccators are available in various types, including products made of transparent acrylic materials for interior visibility and products with a steel plate structure and a glass door. Be sure to choose a product that provides an environment suited to the chemicals or other items to be stored inside, with an ability to create a vacuum, adjust nitrogen levels and so on.  ▲ Close

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