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Screw Maintenance Components

Days to Ship
  • All
  • 4 Day(s) or Less
  • 6 Day(s) or Less
  • 8 Day(s) or Less
  1. 1
  • Copper Gauze

    Copper Gauze


    [Applications]Used to accommodate the removal of caked resin from the screw.[Features]· Copper Gauze can be wrapped around the screw in a large contact area, comparing to brush, resulting in more effectiveness.  Furthermore, the Copper Gauze can be used during the polishing process, after applying Wax for Screw Maintenanc(M-HGMX),  (M-HGMX) to ensure that the Wax is applied thoroughly.

    Standard Price: MYR 67.75-
    Days to Ship: 4 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Cylinder Brush

    Cylinder Brush


    [Applications]Used to clean cylinders. It is for cleaning hardened cylinders.[Features]Made for molding machine cylinders, it is unlikely to scratch the cylinder interior.Use in combination with the extension shaft (M-WES-S, M-WES-G). 'For details on the extension shaft, click here

    Standard Price: MYR 108.89-
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Wax for Screw Maintenance

    Wax for Screw Maintenance


    [Applications]· Used to remove caked resin from screws.[Features]· Large equipment and device are not neccesary.· One piece of M-HGMX can be used to clean φ20 screw approximately.

    Standard Price: MYR 496.99
    Days to Ship: 4 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Stainless Steel Gauze

    Stainless Steel Gauze


    [Applications]Used to accommodate the removal of caked resin from the screw.[Features]· Copper Gauze can be wrapped around the screw in a large contact area, comparing to brush, resulting in more effectiveness. Furthermore, the Copper Gauze can be used during the polishing process, after applying Wax for Screw Maintenanc(M-HGMX), (M-HGMX) to ensure that the Wax is applied thoroughly.

    Standard Price: MYR 389.76
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Extension Joint(Shaft Diameter φ8, Joint 1/4 NPT)

    Extension Joint(Shaft Diameter φ8, Joint 1/4 NPT)



    CAD :
    2D / 3D
    Standard Price: MYR 144.00
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Screw Hand Puller

    Screw Hand Puller


    [Applications]It is used for removing screws from a Injection machine.[Features]With a screw type adjustment structure, it supports various screw outer diameters.The tip of the claw is brass, which prevents it from damaging screws.

    Standard Price: MYR 1,641.72-
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Roller Pedestal for Screw

    Roller Pedestal for Screw


    [Applications]The installation width of the roller can be adjusted in three steps according to the screw diameter. (Supports screw diameters of Φ25 to 200)[Features]Enables cleaning work while placing and turning screws. The same process applies when checking the external appearance of the screw.

    CAD :
    2D / 3D
    Standard Price: MYR 1,140.84
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day





    Standard Price: MYR 132.00-
    Days to Ship: 4 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Nozzle Cleaning Tool

    Nozzle Cleaning Tool



    Standard Price: MYR 83.28-
    Days to Ship: 4 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day





    Standard Price: MYR 819.12-
    Days to Ship: 8 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Extension Shaft

    Extension Shaft


    [Applications]Used to clean cylinders.An extension shaft to be connected with a cylinder brush.For details on the cylinder brush, click here

    Standard Price: MYR 160.78
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Molding Gloves

    Molding Gloves


    [Applications]M-HML: Use for maintenance of screws, nozzles, band heaters, etc.M-HMM: In addition to the M-HML, these gloves are Kevlar blended, resulting in high function gloves with the same resistant properties as cut-resistant gloves.(米国国家規格協会ANSI/ISEA105-2016 CUT LEVEL A3準拠)M-HMH: High-temperature gloves for diecasting. Use according to the temperature.

    • Volume Discount
    Standard Price: MYR 146.83-
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Screw Head Disassembly Wrench

    Screw Head Disassembly Wrench【1-5 Pieces Per Package】


    [Applications]· Used to remove screw heads from screws.[Features]· S type can be used for screw heads for 3, 4 and 5-groove. L type is for 4 and 5-groove.· Designed to fit to the screw head in balance just by pushing the claw into the holes with engraved numbers 3, 4 and 5 on one side and turning the slotted screw on the push-in side, which enables smooth removal work. The engraving of L type is the numbers 4 and 5. · It comes with f...Readmore

    Standard Price: MYR 542.88-
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Soft Vise Liner

    Soft Vise Liner


    [Applications]Used to fix screws with a vise.It has a horizontal V-groove on one side and a 45° V-groove in the vertical direction on the other side, allowing objects with uneven shapes to be fixed in close contact.[Features]As it has a magnet, it can be easily installed to a vise.As it is fixed, screw maintenance can be performed by one person.

    Standard Price: MYR 248.45
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s)

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Heat-resistant arm cover

    Heat-resistant arm cover


    [Applications]・成形現場用手袋と合わせてお使いください。【特長】・ケブラー製ですので、耐熱260度だけでなく耐切創機能(米国国家規格協会ANSI/ISEA105-2016 CUT LEVEL A2準拠)も合わせ持つ高機能腕カバーです。・親指を通す穴があり、袖上がりによる手首の露出を防止します。・装着前の実測長さは約54cmで、上腕までカバーします。

    Standard Price: MYR 109.51
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day





    Standard Price: MYR 57.60-
    Days to Ship: 4 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Wheel Brush Mandrel for Molding Machine

    Wheel Brush Mandrel for Molding Machine


    [Applications]・射出成形機シリンダの掃除用としてお使いいただけます。【特長】・成形機用ホイールブラシM-CWB-B専用マンドレルです。・1/4NPTネジ付ですので、エキステンションシャフトM-WES、パイプM-EXTと接続可能です。・電動工具用ジョイントM-EXT-Jとあわせてお使いいただくと効果的です。【付属品】・M10ナット 1個、M10用ワッシャ 2個

    Standard Price: MYR 66.48
    Days to Ship: 4 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day

  • Extension Pipe

    Extension Pipe


    [Applications]・射出成形機シリンダの掃除用としてお使いいただけます。【特長】・パイプ加工品ですので曲がりにくく、腕の力をブラシまで確実に伝えます。電動工具用ジョイントM-EXT-Jとあわせてお使いいただくと効果的です。【付属品】1/4NPT両端メスソケット 2個

    Standard Price: MYR 191.11
    Days to Ship: 6 Day(s) or more

    "Same Day Ship Out" is available for item with 1 day


  1. 1

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